Sign Making

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sign Making

A vinyl cutter is used to make certain types of signs. It is probably the most common type of sign making equipment. A Vinyl Cutter is a type of CNC Equipment. There is a control program, controller, servo motors and a small cutting knife that is controlled to cut the vinyl in any shape or size.

Vinyl Cutter – This is a unique type of CNC Machine. This machine uses a small knife to cut out vinyl in any shape or size. Think “sticker machine.” You know the stickers on the back of every jacked up truck you have ever seen. You know, “P_ss on Chevy, Ford, Dodge, etc. So a vinyl cutter is actually a “Redneck sticker-making machine.” I actually bought it to cut sandblast resist, which is a whole different story.

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